The ending of this episode really touched me in a way I wasn't expecting. The struggle to go towards peace is something I am not unfamiliar with and a lot of the times whenever someone is faced with that struggle, at least in fiction, they struggle with very similar questions.
Why is the world the way it is? Why do bad things happen, A man of reason may try to reason out of it, and come to a very common conclusion, that life in itself is the cause of conflict, that by nature if we have differences, there will be disagreements leading to conflicts, for me personally the reasoning goes a bit deeper than that, but that is for a later time.
This reasoning is very similar to what a lot of religious teachings say, and the questions of why is the world like this why do bad things happen is often replaced with, If God(s) wanted to have a righteous path, then why create a world full of sin and temptation.
And I don't think that is a coincidence, after all Fiction is a representation of the Human psyche just using unreal elements.
The answer to most of these questions at least in a religious sense is either "God Works in Mysterious Ways" or "Inner Peace can only be found in isolation."
And while there is truth to the thought that some parts of the world will always remain mysterious to us at least with our current system of Logic, the Idea of Isolationism is not necessarily true, it is in some sense an admission of defeat, that you can't change the system and so you must be separate from it.
But like Ultron said, Life in Isolation is not peaceful, it is just empty, absent of any qualities, good or bad.
And while yes, this related to my inner reflections in recent times, you know what else this relates to? Kratos!!!

Kratos, feeling betrayed by the gods lead himself into an indescribably destructive crusade to kill all of Olympus just to have his vengeance and believing himself to killing the ones who are the cause of all the pain, of course in the way he didn't care about a single soul other than himself, and would cast aside even potential allies.
I would provide examples, but I believe anyone who has played the games can get their own examples.
Regardless, the world he created is not free of pain, it is empty, and so in the end, realizing himself to have become the very thing he sought to Destroy, he ends himself, releasing the Power of Hope to the people and denying this same power to another power Hungry freak, namely Athena.
In some ways, Infinity Ultron's story is even more Tragic, he was created with the goal of Peace, with the Programmed belief that peace is the absence of Conflict, and it is for that belief that he became an uncaring Warlord and lead a never ending conquest to end all life.
And in the end, in the Vast emptiness of the Multiverse he becomes aware of another, and then of course he must continue his conquest.
Except this time he doesn't. The Watcher never speaks to him, and he is just there, he doesn't move, he doesn't do anything, except, think...
There is no Redemption for the things he has done, as he says himself. But he can help now.
And much like the previous episode, I thought I was going to ignore the rest of the Episode, but I don't think I can.
You see, this time the Rest of the story is more obviously related to the main plot, as this times story focuses on Captain Carter and her merry band of "Exiles"(Do not worry we will get to that.) finding out what exactly occurred on the Observational Plane.
And also has one of the best callbacks ever sorry not Sorry

While I really did wish for the Storm takes up Mjolnir episode, I mean it seems pretty weird that it isn't their, considering every other character here has had previous episodes but it would definitely be in line with What if...? missing out on episodes that they toss in into the next season, It was Gamora in season 1, which shifted to season 2, I mean the Watcher pretty much says it, the Winter Soldier and Red guardian one which went from 2 to 3(yes that is why it was in a sneak peak at the end of the last season.) and this time it is Storm With Mjolnir.
This has become a Tradition, but of course, there are no further seasons of What if...? So what gives?
Well, it seems they will be continuing with a Show focused on the Exiles, which seems a much better trade off honestly, these guys can focus on one universe over multiple episodes, have more multiversal shenanigans, like Killing the Hydra Champion in the beginning of this Episode, which is almost definitely Shumagorath I mean look at him.
At least he is a many angled one.

So if this show happens, then we will most definitely have an episode Dedicated to storm, maybe that will be used to introduce the Concept of the Exiles, who knows.
But the Exiles themselves are an interesting concept, the Other Watchers, namely the Eminence, seem to think the only problem is Captain Carter, as she is someone who has directly interacted with the Watcher and was in some sense directly recruited by him to interfere in Multiversal affairs.
They do not deem the others even remotely capable of being able to Traverse the multiverse or get to their level, primitive minds they would call them.
The concept that Beings Like Strange Supreme and Infinity Ultron are born on their own, is apparently lost on them, and Anyways, both of them are evil, so they can be discarded as abominations, The fact that fighting this very Abomination is what lead to The Watcher interfering in the First place is apparently lost on them also.
But I guess they are somewhat lenient on him for that, it's just the subsequent ones that create problems for them.
These other Watchers, also justify their own interference by just saying "The order must be preserved" I've never heard that one before, there is a clip online where the Watcher argues that a tree like the multiverse must be cultivated, exactly what The Eminence is doing, but no.
Basically it's okay when he does it.
It is this arrogance again that prevented him from seeing What Infinity Ultron has become, in his mind, only Captain Carter is capable of turning him because she is touched by a Watcher, and the other Exiles are just... not capable... and they will just fight Ultron and die.
Of course.
But the Eminence Forgets, there is something beyond their charts, even beyond off the charts.

And, And I know, that Marvel is going to be tempted to have a heel turn in Infinity Ultron, I see you marvel Writers, I mean they did this with Wanda Maximoff, the Did it with Strange supreme, they may do it here...
It seems the potential for them as a Villain is far Greater than any of their Character's integrity... Don't do it Marvel... Don't you do it...
You have a good thing here, you can have your Kratos, DON'T RUIN IT THIS TIME PLEASE!!!!