You know an episode of television is good when you go into it hoping to hate it but then don't because the truth is, While I liked the party Thor episode in season 1, I think I wouldn't be alone in saying that it wasn't the most memorable when compared to the others, which is why it is interesting that they took choose to continue that episode, out of all the other ones.
And while this episode was very enjoyable, I do not think there is a lot that I need to say about it, a lot can be said, but given the immense work load, let's keep it simple, This episode is a Metaphor for the birth of Jesus Christ.
This is very apparent when you hear characters say lines like.

I mean we know the convergence is a sign, because in Thor the Dark World it was explained that this is the time that the boundaries between the realms is the weakest, and energy between the realms can flow through freely.
The Dark Elves wanted to use this time to plunge the world into Darkness using the Dark Aether.
But that wouldn't be possible this time because Earth is now, well, Galactic, to put it lightly, it is a lot better protected, and so is the Aether it would seem.
I wouldn't blame you for forgetting that movie(I mean actually I would, cause I love that movie, but you know, I am clearly the minority here.).
So I guess in this case instead of Erik Selvig running around naked, we have Darcy giving birth, to a child born of a relationship formed in a cosmic party and... um, of a relationship with a Duck.
Yeah this is very strange, and given that the Howard the Duck movie was criticized for a duck human romance, this choice is even stranger, but I guess this is animation. Also to add to the strangeness, Thor the Dark world wasn't that liked, yeah I'll stop.

But what else do I have as evidence for this being a Jesus Christ metaphor well there is the Watcher saying this amazing line.

But the more important thing is to focus on how everyone else reacts to the Birth, everyone wants a piece of this child, for the Grandmaster, quite literally as he wants to eat him.
For the Dark elves, they want to throw everyone into Darkness, The Frost Giants want to return their former planet to Glory, the Masters of the Dark Arts want to rosemary's baby Dormamu into it.
Zeus wants... actually I don't know what the fuck he wants, but you know he's Zeus.
Thanos, Thanos wants the stones.

The Skrulls and Nick Fury want to protect the Baby from those who would use it for bad, but you know, shield has Hydra in it so, And also Nick Fury has been shown to use shady tactics for what he believes to be the greater good... Um, anyways.
All of these people converging on this one baby, believing it to be their salvation, cause it is written in the stars and what not, and what makes the egg hatch is well, the love of Darcy and Howard(also Darcy how in the bloody fuck did you deliver an egg... I mean... uh, I don't want to think about it.)
And not just the Love of Darcy and Howard, everyone who wants it for their self interest touching the egg, is also shown as a form of love and devotion, just like in the story of Jesus Christ where everyone trying to get something of Jesus for their own self gain is also shown as a form of Devotion in it's own right.
And also the movie called Mother, yeah that movie is about Mother Nature giving birth to Jesus Christ, I.... very confusing, I know.

But in the end what is more interesting is the differences, this is a miraculous conception, but not in the way that Jesus was, Darcy didn't do a Virgin birth, at least not technically, You know one can argue that being intimate with an alien is different from being intimate with a human so, maybe it doesn't count... Idk...
But the thing is, it shouldn't these are two different species, and yet this happened, the chances of them even meeting were next to none, yet they did, and while both of them are into drinking Gambling and what not, they are righteous, in the way that, they want to do right by their kid.
So this is it, What id...?'s Christmas special is the birth of Jesus Christ.