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Transformers one Official Trailer 2, So what is the backstory of the Decepticon symbol?

Writer: G.C.NightwalkerG.C.Nightwalker
A hot brand of the Decepticon Symbol.

Transformers One is one of those things you know, where you don't exactly know how to feel about it after the first Trailer, but then the second Trailer just cements your feelings on the whole thing.

So the biggest concern was, that because we have been so used to the live action movies and in which Megatron and Optimus prime are enemies and are a constant source of conflict in the Movies, this movie where they are just, a couple of guys, what exactly will we see?

Well that concern is gone now, D-16 in this very movie will turn into full blown Megatron, or at least he will be put on that path irreversibly.

And it seems the story will follow a hierarchy between those who can transform and those who cannot, with some well known Decepticons such as Darkwing already having the ability to Transform.

As well, villains such as Dark Airachnid also make an appearance, with the main villains seeming to be the semi-Organic Quintessans, as was clear in the previous Trailer as well.

So that begs the question, do the Decepticons already exist? As in are they already a faction in this version of things?

I mean the Symbol certainly seems to exist, as we see ones such as Starscream and shockwave wearing it.

Starscream on the Decepticon Throne with Soundwave and Shockwave on either sides of him.

And it seems too short of a time period to establish the entire faction and establish Megatron's backstory, as well, there are many instances where the Decepticons act as a faction and that too without and sometimes against Megatron.

Who at this point, already has the Branding.

We do see a shot of him kneeling with Orion Pax, Arcee and Bumblebee.

Megatron with the Decepticon Brand on his left shoulder kneeling alongside Orion Pax, Arcee and Bumblebee as they are taken prisoner.

Here is my theory on this, the Decepticons as a faction already exist, they rule the world, or are trying to Rebel against the strict hierarchy and eventually under Megatron become tyrants themselves.

And the Autobots rise as a response to the Decepticons.

It seems that whatever it is they are trying to fight that has taken over the surface, leads Megatron to take a more radical approach and that is what drives a wedge in the once friends.

Now I will like to close this by saying, while in this era of everything being pushed towards a franchise and having infinite sequel bait, it is refreshing to see a story where they just get to the point, but, the Story of Orion Pax and Megatronus, which is what is adapted into the story of Orion Pax and D-16 in this movie, is long and intricate enough to warrant a franchise.

Without spending enough time with them as friends, their split is more of, yeah it was meant to happen and not something that comes out of left field like it is in the original source material.

The inclusion of D-16 becoming Megatron in this very story seems to me more of an effort towards not confusing viewers(especially children, who are undoubtably the main audience, because Hasbro, I mean they are toy company primarily so.) and for not having an answer to, how do we make Megatron and Optimus just as two guys interesting, it is a cop out basically.

And well I don't want to hate on it too much, it most likely still will be interesting, I do however wish we had longer stories with the two of them as just mates.

Orinon Pax and D-16 as friends.

The last thing I will say before I end, is that the cave with teeth and the growing crystals on the surface make me think of the presence of Organics on Cybertron, it seems the Quintessans themselves are semi-organic, which I just dropped earlier and just moved on.

So is it possible that they also bring in the creators storyline in this movie?

You know the story line that felt rushed in the two and a half hour Transformers age of Extinction, I mean that is more of a fault of Michal bay and does not exactly say something about the story itself and weather it can be done well in this very movie.

It's just, its a lot, and while they can still lead to a collectively a good story, I wonder whether it will do the source material justice.

I mean who are we kidding, this is Hasbro we are talking about, they care as much about good stories as ten times worse Bob Chapek, yeah remember that guy who put in his banker friends in a creative field such as Disney? Yeah...

Hasbro is a toy making company primarily so it's not any wonder that that is what they care about primarily and a a result, the Transformers Prime Continuity was butchered to make Robots in Disguise, and we ruined what was good in Bumblebee for whatever the f*ck Rise of the beasts was, I mean they actually butchered the space bridge Story line.... and you know what, I'm going to stop.

A cave with Teeth and self Growing Crystals.


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