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The Lord of the Rings: the Rings of Power Season 2 Episode 4, Everyone Learns their Roots.

Dark Wizard.

See here is the thing with Rings of Power, it has some really Great ideas which somehow Manage to be... Not Great. That is why I wrote the First Article on the Concept of the Dark Lord as a Villain Trope. The true Horror of Dark Lords is seen only when it is from the perspective of those powerless against such a force of Nature.

But when Seen from the perspective of those who are at an equal footing with him, The Dark Lord is just an easy Villain to put the Protagonist against without raising any Moral questions about the Protagonists Nature.

And so we land on the fourth Episode of the Second Season of the Rings of Power.

The Old wise one, the one who imparts knowledge, but appears unwitting at first, is a Trope that works like the Dark Lord, only when there is a Detachment from the person, they appear as if above it all, bringing them to the level of the Character, or making them speak as normal people do and not in riddles, kind of makes them an easy exposition device, instead of making them a representation of the Grandness of the world as they should be.

I mean there is a reason Yoda Speaks the way he does.

Yoda and Luke.

And then there is not just that, there is the Harfoot-Stoor dichotomy.

I mean it is obvious the Harfoots are eventually going to become the Hobbits we so love. And the Stoors are of course more closer to the Hobbits we know as the actually live in small communities like the Hobbits do, but we then have the 'Revelation' that Harfoots diverged from Stoors, when the first of the Harfoots went off in search of the Golde...

Uh you know what its the Shire, he went in search of the Shire, instead he started a wandering sub race called Harfoots.

It seems this show is running into the same problem that the Hobbit "Trilogy" did. They are trying to make it too Grand, it isn't it mate, just let the Shire be the Shire. You know what, given all the liberties you have been taking with the source material, why not just make them Hobbits and keep them in the Shire?

Pick a lane.

Even the so called dark Wizard, it's a discount Saruman that's what he is, Saruman worked well because he was a depiction of how even the Purest of good people can be corrupted by evil.

This time it seems like, yeah we need a villain, and it cant be the butterfly people, so we just gonna make the "Dark Wizard" first name Dark last name Wizard.

You see a lot in the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings universe in General, works well not because the base idea itself is Great, no the base Idea is very basic, and that is what gives people easy access, the Ideas are used well, and when you don't well...

You are not the first Istar who's eaten honey by my fire.


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