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The Disney Plus Doctor Who trailer: Oh no They made Doctor Who Gen Z.

The Tardis going around a Sky Scraper

Now before I begin with this Article which is sure to not be controversial, and just full of flowers and pretty shapes.

I mean it is a remake of a classic original that Disney is doing...OH GODDAMMIT DISNEY YOU CAN"T EVEN LEAVE OTHERS PROPERTIES ALNOE???!!!

Now you see I just thought, Remake of a Classic and Disney Separately, but then I realized... oh no this is a Disney Remake

Mulan Kicks a Spear.

Mulan is kicking a spear again guys, she must be true to herself...

I... okay... calm down man.

So The original Doctor who was an educational show where the Doctor and a companion went to different points in history to learn about them.

The whole change in the past affects the present/future thing never really played a big role in the whole thing.

Oh what is that? a woman turns into a Lizard?

I... I have no words...

The Doctor's new Companion: Ruby, Turns into a Lizard cause she stepped on a butterfly.... Okay....

A lot is wrong Ruby, A lot is wrong.

Now while we are on that topic of comparing stuff to the old Doctor Who, at least they got the Doctor's trademark over the top Quirky attitude correctly.

But... the... the Problem is... that that is all they seem to focus on for this version of the Doctor, no mystique, no I was once in a great war... The Doctor is all Kooky because that's how he deals with his trauma... he isn't some over the top Jokester... wh... oh...

The Doctor Screams like a Child......

They... They made Doctor Who GenZ...

Okay I am being unfair, actually there are some aspects of mystique in this trailer, it's just the whole Ruby turning to a Lizard caught me off guard, and... and the scream... the doctor never screams that way, he's met all manner of monsters at this point in his life...

I... I guess he is an inexperience brat in this one, which is... actually interesting...

I mean the whole he says one thing but the opposite happens is... really... old... and overused...

And... they are obviously trying hard to make the Doctor relatable... Idk... I kinda want to see where it goes, but knowing how Disney handles things... it's probably going to be a Dumpster Fire or a big ol' Nothing Burger...

I'm Cautiously optimistic. But... yeah... Gen Z Doctor Who... And I speak that as a raging Gen Z myself.

Also there is this one other thing that the internet is sure to talk about... something about... colors... I might be missing it... Anyways probably not important if I forgot about it.


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