Man, Just when you think you have seen it all, I genuinely went into this episode thinking I knew exactly what was going to happen, boy was I wrong about that, Now which part do I focus on?
Is it the Blood heart?

Is it the fact that this version of conquest is suddenly way more humanized than the comics, just with a few more lines of dialogue no less...
And just like Homelander, this humanization makes him appear way more demented...

This part especially shows how even the Viltrumites in a sense are victims of their own imperialistic bullshit ideology.
Omni Man is a shining example of how once exposed to normal Human lives, Viltrumites do not take very long to break free of their brainwashing.
Is it all this?
Or is it the ending, oh boy will we get to the ending...
Or is it the fact that in the comics Atom eve gave herself an "upgrade" when she rebuilt herself? I mean by the way the camera was skirting around it certainly seemed like it would happen in the show.

But this is 2025, best to leave that alone.
In terms of it being 2025, Atom eve has more agency in the show, she uses her powers exactly as I thought she would, forming an Armor, increasing the density of the air, not letting Conquest think, but now that this has happened, my only other question is, what was Mark doing all this time?
And Conquest should be easy game for eve, she can only deal with non sentient matter, or is it non organic? Or is it non living?
Anyways in two out of these three scenarios she should have just rearranged his metal arm.
I guess in the term of sentient, she thinks of the Arm as a part of Conquest and is in her definition Sentient, so therefore she can't control it, I guess with that logic she can't manipulate Robot either, have we seen her do that?
I don't recall.

Anyways, the real reason Eve fights Conquest alone is the show wanted her to have her moment and still wanted the rest of the battle to go as usual, and they especially couldn't have that awesome moment of Invincible punching through Conquests Gauntlet if Eve rearranged it.
You know Eve has mental blocks, maybe its not just so she can't rearrange sentient matter, maybe it also limits her creativity with her powers, we don't know...
See in the comics, Eve is just impaled directly, she isn't much help, but with this much power, Mark and Eve together could have done a lot of Damage.
Perhaps the in universe reason Mark didn't help was because he was in shock or tired or something.
Good job mark, you let your girlfriend and yourself die just because you were shocked or tired.
Damn Eve Really be wearing the pants in this relationship.(Sorry, I know I am being unfair)
But overall, in terms of the story, this episode has only one goal, to give an action packed ending to the third season and act as the final nail in the coffin of Mark's aversion to killing.
It is exactly as Nolan said, they are trying to kill you, if you are not trying to kill them, you are going to die.
And so are millions of other people.
To emphasize this point the show added another scene where conquest rushes mark through a city in a mirroring of the Subway Massacre scene in season one.

Now, I almost believed Mark would stop Conquest or something, and he did, using his feet, exactly as I thought he would.
But after the City is over, so the damage is done.... Also who the fuck is on a beach after the invincible war?
I mean it's been a while I guess, but how are there any buildings left standing? I guess some buildings could have been just spared... Or repaired who knows.
In the comics the whole battle takes place in a ruined city, because it was immediately after the invincible war, in the show it is a little bit later, a week or so it would seem.
So after such a devastating event, I guess it makes sense for everyone to just take a break and fuck off to the beach.
So more people died because of escapism... Got it... And less people would have died if all of it happened at once and they had no time to rebuild, dude that's ironic...
I am thinking way too hard about this, I get that if Mark stopped in the middle of the city probably people would have died anyways because of the impact, but maybe less than already did? And then he could lead it out?
See the real reason this happened is because awesome shot.
And again the changes are good, it just that they introduced inconsistencies like the Cecil prison thing, except bigger...
But I will emphasize, this is me being a Nerd, it isn't good practice to take value away from an Art or Artist because he tried to improve and wasn't perfect, it isn't like the first time was perfect either, but we aren't here to critique the comics.
In general, all works have some inconsistency, if they are good and entertaining they have served their purpose, being too nitpicky and critical will only stifle quality and not better it.
Nitpicking is better left as an exercise done purely for learning and enjoyment purposes
Because just like letting a huge destructive power like a power hungry Viltrumite such as conquest go free, It isn't a risk worth taking, to let this take us over and potentially destroy a budding or even in general growing(a true creative will always be growing in a way no? Genuine question...)
Because it is like Tanjiro said.

Over all there isn't much to say about this episode without spoiling the future(like what it means when Atom Eve's powers start acting weird around Mark's clothes.
Or what the Sequid's are upto.
One thing that this episode solves for show only people, why did future Atom Eve call robot as Rex instead of Rudy?
Well it is because after Rex's death Robot took on his name, so this man, who is actually a forty year old Genius, cloned a teen without his consent, made a kid version of this teen's body to put his consciousness into, all to woo a girl, and then took on his name.
Getting kinda creepy there...

And given that I can actually see the future(cause I read the comics.... yeah....)
Also shrinking Rae is alive, what will she do when the moment I am referring to arrives in the show... Because she or rather he, because Rae is a he in the comics, did die at the hands of the Lizard league...
But enough of that, too much spoilers, let's talk about the interesting bit, the ending.
Damien Darkblood, far as I am aware, is only present in the beginning of the Invincible comics, and he is always seen as a detective, as far as I can see, there isn't any mention of Demonic powers or Satanic rituals in his story.
There are side comics that take up the remaining story but again same thing.
It appears that Robert Kirkman wanted to tell a lot of stories and this one plot thread kind of got lost in the mix.
So maybe we are seeing what actually could have been.

But the question remains, who is the blackened heart that Damien refers to?
Cecil?(because Damien knows him intimately)
Omni Man?(Same reasoning)
Conquest?(Seems likely no? Since he is unfortunately very much alive, thanks for that Cecil...)
Invincible?(Since even this "good" variant has decided to start killing?)
And what are the plans going to be for his future?
Whatever, I am just happy to see more of this frankly very interesting and underutilized character.