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Deadpool and Wolverine, A fitting send off to everything Fox. (Spoilers!)

Deadpool Wolverine and the Human Torch(Chris Evans)

So the above is a scene of Deadpool, Wolverine and Captain America right? Because that is the only Marvel character Chris Evans has ever played ever, Right? Wrong!

That is the Human Torch.

Flame on!

Flame On!

See this is the problem with writing articles on Movies that have freshly released, all you get are Potato shots.

But anyways, let's talk about the movie.

So one of the first things that I would like to get out of the way is that this Movie doesn't exactly heavily connect to the established Marvel universe, except of course the appearance of the T.V.A. and the Void.

Now it is interesting to me that the T.V.A. still uses the Void at the end of time as a dump yard for everything unneeded, especially because of Mobius.

I mean I remember him saying

Mobius criticizes sending people to the void at the end of time.

Well, I guess that is why my man Mobius left.

But anyways, the Void is over all a good place to send what you otherwise really can't leave lying around in the Universe.

Because Alioth eats them, except, Cassandra Nova can mind control Alioth just like the two Lokis, I mean Loki and Sylvie, sorry.

Regardless, the Movie, is very clear about what it wants to do and what it set out to do, this movie, through and through is a love letter to the Fox films, and no wonder, I mean Our boy Kevin Fiege got to his current position by working on the X-Men Movies, I guess he has some feelings about them.

And that really, is why even after all this time, I believe that the marvel cinematic universe is still going to bounce back, if this was Star Wars, then they would probably have come in, made fun of Logan, brought him back and then blamed the fans, while taking a small radical and assholish section of them that are racists, Sexists, etc. and use a wide brush to paint all as the same.

That, is not what this is.

This is a love letter, more emphasized by the mid credit scene, which is less a scene, more a montage of Behind the scenes from the Fox movies such as X-Men and Fantastic four.

Henry Cavil as Wolverine.

Now all that aside, lets talk about the Cameos, Henry Cavil, yes, superman is now officially a Wolverine Variant.

So... is he the new Wolverine? Or is it another John Krasinski Reed Richards situation, where they just put him in because the fans have been fan casting him for so long.

But then, where is Daniel Radcliff?

Anyways, On that same note, we finally have Channing Tatum as Gambit, Jennifer Garner as Elektra(I wonder how many people knew that that was actually a movie), there is a reference to Ben Afleck as Dare Devil and of course there is Wesley snipes as Blade.

Who also says, there shall only be one blade, haha guys, very funny, now can Mahershala Ali be blade now?

Anyways, when the movie went into the Void, and stayed there for a bit, I was a little concerned about how is X-23 going to fit in, cause yes, they went to the place where Logan was Buried and find his Skeleton, but they have to go back there to meet Laura Right? Because she is in the trailers

You were always the wrong guy.

Well, she is just in the Void, probably they pruned her some time in the future, and the main team that goes to fight against the sort of main villain of this movie Cassandra Nova consists of X-23/Laura(Daphne Keen), Blade(Mahershala Ali), Gambit(Channing Tatum), Elektra(Jennifer Garner)

And this team up is very important, because, these are essentially Characters that either had their movies cancelled or they never got a chance because of Various reasons, it is literally bringing up the past and when the Characters say, that they were called and their universes Destroyed, that is a direct Metaphor for how big media destroys franchises.

Even the whole Anchor Being thing, where one being is so powerful and important that their death destroys their universe, that is a Metaphor for how Franchises are based around a single character.

And Mr. Paradox? Well he is trying to destroy the Fox Universe, literally! So this movie is literally about SAVING the Fox universe.

And they succeed!

Deadpool 3 post credits scene.

Well except for Poor old Johnny, who actually did say all those things that Deadpool said he said, but then again, Deadpool didn't need to run his mouth, so still guilty.

Regardless, when Johnny had his Flesh sucked from his bones by Cassandra Nova, and right before Alioth comes in to eat them all and Cassandra just strolls on by, leaving her crew to die, like the bitch she is, I had a question.

Why can't she just read their minds to figure out if they are telling the truth?

And then they tell us that Cassandra actually has to jam her fingers into people's heads to read their minds.

And she is actually one of my criticisms for this movie

Casandra Nova starts destroying the Multiverse.

So by the end, when she realizes that there is a sect of the T.V.A. that has gone rogue and is interfering with her time in the Void, she breaks her deal and starts to steal the power of the time ripper because she now wants to Destroy the entire Multiverse leaving only the Void.

So the Void is left over when the multiverse is gone, interesting, I guess the theories about the Void being Battle world are true.

Anyways, Deadpool and Wolverine stop Cassandra from doing a premature Secret Wars by going to main circuit and Short Circuiting the Matter and Anti Matter channels and creating an explosion that should have been much bigger, but we will let it slide, and then she just dies.

I wanted more from her, I mean come on, she is such an interesting Character, I mean an evil professor X? COME ON!

But that is pretty much it, because the rest of the Movie is a banger, I mean Laura even puts on her pink sun glasses from Logan which she no doubt carries because it reminds her of him, and the Story is straight and concisely told, and it is even though a Multiversal movie, exactly what you would expect from a Deadpool movie, a story about being yourself, being Crude and Crass, not caring about Rules and personal Stakes.

The Stakes are literally Deadpool saving his Family.

And the movie begins by Deadpool fighting T.V.A. agents with Wolverine's Adamantium Skeleton.

Deadpool vs T.V.A. Agents.

Heb uses his legs as nun-chucks, his ribs as throwing knives and there is a point where he wears his arms to have claws like Wolverine, which is exactly the kind of imaginative thing I would want from a Deadpool movie.

In fact it is surprising exactly how much this felt like a Deadpool movie, good job Marvel, I mean I hoped for it to go even bigger and tie in with the Multiverse, Well Wade does interview for the Avengers right before the events of Infinity war using Cable's time Machine.

And it is implied the Paradox has a little bit of something else going on behind the scenes, I mean my man really gets excited when talking about Deadpool 'abusing' the Timeline and they are working off Grid, and it is implied that they have done this kind of thing before.

And of course, Deadpool seems to be replacing Loki, which is very intentional I believe, perhaps there is a larger plan to replace Loki in the Sacred Time line so the Loki at the end of time can be removed, is this part of a contingency plan by Kang? Only time will tell.

But these are just nods, like there were nods to X-Force in Deadpool 2 but then they all got killed in minutes, the movie is very self contained, and it surprisingly works, the blueprint of the Original concept, of a road trip between Deadpool and Wolverine is still visible.

And I am happy Marvel is respecting what came before, even embracing it, like Star Wars should seriously take notes.

Let the Past Die, Kill it if you have to -Kylo Ren, 2017, The Last Jedi

I mean I don't exactly hat what Star Wars is doing but it is not that great and they seem to be ashamed of the past, meaning no new audience and the old audience is turned off, that's bad business.

So it will be interesting to see what this new reestablished X-Men Timeline will do in the Multiverse Saga going forwards, because this movie was a banger, but it won't exactly save the MCU on it's own as some were speculating.

But I have hope, now that Marvel has started to dial back on some of its content, it seems they are really back in full force, Like remember X-Men'97? And then This? Even What if...? season 2 was great.

I just hope they keep going, and I can't wait for Secret Wars.


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