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Agatha All Along, A rocking follow up or a Rocky Start?

Agnes looking at a corpse as a cop.

Agatha All Along, is getting some criticisms, but they are the same Criticisms that were thrown at Wanda Vision before it really started to build, considering that this is a Sequel to Wanda Vision(at least in a sense.) I am cautiously optimistic about this shows future.

The First two episodes have been out for quite a while now, and I have seen all the chatter online about the show, and while I can see where some of the criticisms are coming from, some are just like... what are you even saying?

There is no doubt that this is probably going to be one of the most out there shows when it comes to it's LGBTQ elements, as well as its horror and witch craft inspirations.

And that attracts some, type of people... to begin the get woke go woke rants, I mean they do realize that even if we go with their deflection of they are against "forced" diversity, this show is about witches, which historically has been a label used to keep women in check.

Like it would be forced to not have LGBTQ elements in a show like this, which then of course brings one to the conclusion that their problem is this show being made in the first place, and you can see where I am going with this.

But that is enough about the criticisms being thrown at the show.

What of the show itself?

Rio and Agatha Talk

The very first episode is completely in the 'Hex' or the spell or whatever you want to call the condition Agatha is in currently. For those who haven't watched Wanda Vision, it entailed Wanda trying to deal with the Death of Vision.

In a moment of grief and because she actually didn't know the extent of her power, she casts a Town wide Hex on the town of West View, where Wanda and Vision were supposed to have a home, it was going to be Vision's gift to Wanda.

The Hex makes every single person in the Town play a role in a Sitcom that Starred Wanda and Vision, and aired outside as a broadcast frequency while being watched by an Agency called S.W.O.R.D.

Agatha inserts herself in the Sitcom as the "Nosey Neighbor" to learn how Wanda cast the Hex and potentially steal her powers.

By the End a higher up at S.W.O.R.D. tries to use the situation to his advantage and Agatha attacks Wanda to get her powers, by the End, Wanda realizes her mistake and takes down the Hex, but after stealing Agatha's powers, she puts her in the Nosey Neighbor Character permanently.

So the first episode is entirely in this "Hex" and Agatha plays a "not by the books" investigator as she tries to figure out a potentially "super-natural" Murder in a Homage to Mare of Eastown.

Agnes of Westview

The opening Credits are again in the way of a crime show and have the names of the Characters from Wanda Vision.

So basically pretty much none of the Cop show parts of this episode are real and therefore they will presumably not play a big role in the show going forwards, it pretty much exists to show that Agatha was trapped, and now she is not.

The only thing keeping you there is if you like Crime Scene Dramas....

Or will they play a role?

See the first two episodes of Wanda Vision were Sitcom episodes, and while many people brought up similar criticisms then, and called it slow and what not, but pretty much everything that happened in the first two episodes was a veiled version of Reality, everything played a role, it showed her grief.

What was keeping the people engaged then was also if they liked Sit coms.

So my guess is as a sequel series this show will go in a similar direction.

The main point of it is, people have no patience, even though this show pulled the veil much faster than Wanda Vision, it didn't take four episodes to reveal what is actually happening.

Agatha wakes from the spell.

The Second Episode is her gathering the witches to finally go on the Witches Road, which in my mind will be a replacement for the Hex, as it will be undoubtedly used to bring in some classic horror Tropes that otherwise wouldn't make sense in the Context of the MCU.

And we learn that the teen character, teen, has a spell on him that prevents him from revealing who he is and he has a boyfriend who worries.

Now the theories are obviously that this is Wiccan, reincarnated, and the boyfriend is Hulkling, Wiccan being Billy, one of the kids that Wanda created while in her Hex.

The second episode is mostly set up, I like episode one better, even though episode two had the Salem Seven, in appropriately creepy attires.

And also Rio and Agatha used to date, like I'm calling it right now, this is a Grindelwald and Dumbledore can't kill each other situation.

The Salem Seven.


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